ArtFull Mind Therapy
Alberta Counselling Therapist

Marie Muggeridge she/her
Bachelor of Fine Arts -Drama Design
Bachelor of Education
Masters of Psychotherapy & Spirituality -Art Therapy Specialization
Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCPA)
Registered Canadian Art Therapist
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Edmonton, Alberta
Marie is a person-centered therapist. She believes people have their own journey that she is privileged to walk alongside and provide support. Her goal is to support the self growth of her clients.

What is Art Therapy?
Art Therapy is an excellent way to explore self expression in a safe environment. Art is a non-threatening communication tool that can help reveal one's true potential.
What happens in a session?
A session is always led with the client's goals. Generally the therapist and client find potential goals for the session, then the art materials are used to create artwork. Clients may be guided to use certain art materials or they may be encouraged to explore those that they are interested in. Then there is time to discuss the experience and the artwork.
What if I am not good at art?
In art therapy EVERYONE is an artist. The function of art in the session is to provide an additional language of expression to better understand yourself and your goals. If you can scribble, you are an artist!
Who can benefit from art therapy?
Many types of people can benefit from the non-threatening guidance of art therapy. Our clients seek support for parent and child development, self expression, anxiety, self discovery, mindfulness, or connection to a deeper meaning.